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Acerca de la piel, emolienta, xerosis piel seca


What is


What causes


How can

I control the



The prevalence of xerosis increases with age, but it can also be a manifestation of various diseases in childhood and youth. It is caused by both genetic and environmental factors, such as winter dryness (related to cold and dry environments).


Xerosis is frequently associated with itching or pruritus.

La prevalencia de xerosis aumenta con la edad, pero también puede ser una manifestación de distintas enfermedades en la infancia y la juventud. Está condicionada por factores genéticos y también ambientales, como la xerosis invernal (relacionada con ambientes fríos y secos).


La xerosis viene acompañada frecuentemente de picor o prurito.

To maintain a healthy water balance on skin, it is necessary to apply moisturising and emollient creams that restore skin’s hydrolipidic barrier.


It is essential to apply these emollients regularly on a daily basis and, if possible, twice a day is better than once.


Similarly, it is important to break the itch-scratch cycle in people with pruritus, so as to avoid continuously damaging the skin by scratching.

  • Your care routine for skin with xerosis is based on the daily use of moisturising emollients.
  • Avoid very frequent showering. Use lukewarm (not very hot) water in the shower and opt for non-irritant soaps.
  • Drinking water, having a varied diet and doing physical exercise help keep the skin more hydrated.
  • It is also important to avoid skin-ageing factors such as sun exposure, smoking and alcohol.
  • Do not hesitate to see your doctor for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.